Valerie Graves taos New mexico Artist Home Page

Valerie Graves Oil Painting Santa Fe wall 3K
Original Oil
& Pastel Paintings

Valerie Graves Artist Signed Prints for sale
Valerie Graves Limited Edition Artist Enhanced and signed Prints for saleLimited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints

Taos Pueblo Night Scene Graves Pastel Painting 2K
Taos Pueblo Night Scenes


Coloring Books by Valerie Graves

Blue gate cosmos Lilacs painting 2K
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gallery slide show valerie graves paintings
Click to see Slide show of 38 Paintings
by Valerie Graves
(appears in separate window)

Taos Artists New Mexico paintings Scenes 2K
Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves

Limited Edition Etchings

Poster 3K
Limited Edition Lithographs
Current Shipping Rates

Painted Pony 3K
Trail of Painted Ponies

Valerie Graves

Original Paintings
Available at:
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
119 Kit Carson Road
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 758-3255

Birds&Wildlife Paintings
Valerie Graves Coloring Books, Notecards & Bird & Wildlife Original Art, Photographs, Notecards & Limited Edition Prints

All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist. All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019

old taos new master valerie graves

Valerie Graves Signed Prints

taos Mountain Sacred mountain New mexico
"The Old McCarthy Road "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

Adobe house and Lilacs Santa Fe New mexico
"Spring Blossoms of Taos"©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

Taos Sunset print valerie graves
"Sunset Sonata "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

Southwest scene Print taos Santa Fe
"Enchanted Western Valley "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

Red Willows taos Mountain New mexico
"Red Willows & Creek "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

taos Horses in rain equine painting
"New Mexico Rainstorm" ©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

taos pueblo Indian horses and riders
"Yellow Fields - Taos "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

valerie graves taos print taos Pueblo indians
"September Day "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

taos Mountain paintting Southwest paintings
"New Mexico Autumn Colors "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

taos Pueblo Church Historic NM Church
"Heartbeat of Taos "©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

Taos Sunset fine art print
"Taos Sunset 2" ©2008 by Valerie Graves signed print approx 13x15 matted... $30

Indian Deer Dancer Signed Print
Indian Deer Dancer Signed Artist Print

This striking print, Spirit of the Deer, depicts a Night Deer Dancer from San Ildefonso Pueblo in Northern New Mexico. The image is 5 1/2" by 6 3/4" and is approximately 11 1/2" by 13" matted and shrink wrapped. The print is hand signed by the artist. $24 USA

Rio Grande Gorge Print
"Storm Over The Rio Grande Gorge"©2009 by Valerie Graves
Artist Signed print 13x15 matted... $30

Pueblo Creek- Hot Sunny Day
Artist signed print
Matted size 13" x15" $30

Taos Pueblo Horses
Artist signed print
Matted size 13" x 15" $30

Taos Summer Colors
Artist signed print
Matted size 13" X 15" $30

Taos Mountain, New Mexico Signed Print
Taos Mountain at Sunset Signed Artist Print

This colorful small print depicts strong sunset shadows over Taos Mountain in Northern New Mexico. The print is hand signed by the artist. $15

Taos Mountain, New Mexico Signed Print
Taos Blue Gate-Lilacs-Signed Artist Print

This attractive matted print depicts a wonderul old Blue gate in Taos, New Mexico with blooming lilacs spillng over the adobe wall. The overall matted size is approximately 13" by 13" with the image being 6 1/2" by 6 1/2". The print is hand signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. $24

Velarde, Northern New Mexico, artist signed Print
Apple Orchard and Church in Velarde - Signed Artist Print

This beautiful scene shows an apple orchard in full Spring bloom in Velarde, New Mexico . You can see the houses of the village and the small village church in the center of the print. The matted size of the print is 13" by 15". The print is signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. $30

Sacred Mountain, View from Seco, NM signed print
Taos Blue - Artist Print

This bright winter scene shows the wonderful winter colors of the Taos willows and cottonwood trees against the usually crsytal clear blue New Mexico sky. The overall matted size of the print is approximately 13" by 13" and the image is 6 1/2" by 6 1/2". The print is signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. $24

Taos Pueblo Night with Horses
December Night-Signed Artist Print

This striking print shows a winter scene at Taos Pueblo with one of the Indians holding a kerosene lantern which illuminates the famous multi-storied Adobe Pueblo of Taos, New Mexico. The Indians are wrapped in blankets and you can see part of the adobe cooking ovens or hornos to the left in the print and the drying racks which are used to store firewood and to dry goods after the harvest or dry skins for later use.The snow is thick and the air is dry and cold. The matted size of this print is 13" by 15". The print is signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. $30

Taos Pueblo, Christmas Eve

Taos Pueblo Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at Taos Pueblo (detail)
Painting by Taos Artist Valerie Graves
This fine painting has now been made into a limited edition print (detail of print shown above,) available signed by the artist for only $35.
We have large selection of other beautiful prints which are available. Please see several pages of Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints

Valerie Graves Main Page ||| Original Paintings ||| Posters ||| Etchings ||| Artist Signed Prints |||
Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints ||| Lithographs |||

All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist.All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019