Valerie Graves taos New mexico Artist Home Page

Valerie Graves Oil Painting Santa Fe wall 3K
Original Oil
& Pastel Paintings

Valerie Graves Artist Signed Prints for sale
Valerie Graves Limited Edition Artist Enhanced and signed Prints for saleLimited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints

Taos Pueblo Night Scene Graves Pastel Painting 2K
Taos Pueblo Night Scenes


Coloring Books by Valerie Graves

Blue gate cosmos Lilacs painting 2K
Contact Us

gallery slide show valerie graves paintings
Click to see Slide show of 38 Paintings
by Valerie Graves
(appears in separate window)

Taos Artists New Mexico paintings Scenes 2K
Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves

Limited Edition Etchings

Poster 3K
Limited Edition Lithographs
Current Shipping Rates

Painted Pony 3K
Trail of Painted Ponies

Valerie Graves

Original Paintings
Available at:
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
119 Kit Carson Road
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 758-3255

Birds&Wildlife Paintings
Valerie Graves Coloring Books, Notecards & Bird & Wildlife Original Art, Photographs, Notecards & Limited Edition Prints

All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist. All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019
valerie graves art of the southwest
Valerie Graves Lithograph

Lithograph by Valerie Graves 30K

"Santa Fe Shadows" Lithograph on Arches cover white, Paper size: height, 22 and one quarter inches, width, 27 and one half inches. Image size: height, 20 and one half inches, width, 25 and one half inches. This is a six run lithograph in 2 states. 50 impressions signed and numbered by artist as follows: State I: number one out of 25 through number 25 out of 25. State II: number one out of 25 through number 25 out of 25. The lithograph comes with print documentation. $300

The cost of each unframed lithograph is $300 dollars plus $30 dollars for shipping and handling within the USA. For areas outside of the USA, shipping and handling will be $40 dollars in addition to the $300 dollar cost of the lithograph. Please clearly print your name and shipping address, tell us exactly what you are ordering, and enclose your check or money order payable to Valerie Graves Art. Thank You!

Valerie Graves Main Page ||| Original Paintings ||| Posters ||| Etchings ||| Fine Art Prints |||
Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints ||| Lithographs |||

All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist. All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019