Painting Sunset Winter Mountain, Taos Pueblo
Trail of Painted Ponies
"Taos Neigh~bors"
Valerie Graves, Taos Artist (

Ellie and Horse 13k
After painting the sky and clouds on the horse's head and neck,
the artist takes a break and explains to the dog
what this large creature is doing in her studio!

closeup of winter sunset mountain
Sunset at Taos Pueblo is begun, after finishing the sky and clouds.
The artist paints a mixed rosy undercoat, the glow of sunset which shines through in
highlights througout most of the Taos Pueblo side

partially Toas Pueblo side

Return To Beginning To Paint..............Go to PaintingTaos Pueblo!

Follow The Trail of Creation of " Taos Neigh~bors"
The Small Horse (Maquette)
Stage 1 - Gesso!
Beginning To Paint!
Painting Sunset Winter Mountain
Painting Taos Pueblo
Painting the Summer Side
Final Stages
Meeting Real Horses!
Inn at Loretto, Governor & Mrs. King and The Taos Inn

Return to Valerie Graves Main Page

©2001-2007 by Valerie Graves